Source: www.reality.co.za/.../
Some might think that you crazy, insane or deluded. When you tell them you will be participating in any athletic events. Well I have done my fair share of athletic events and I have observed along the way that many people think that you are crazy or insane to do something like that. Well, my advice to you is. You can do absolutely anything that you out your mind to!

Source: cycletour.bicycling.co.za/articles/cycle-tour...
A few weeks ago I competed in the largest timed cycle tour in South Africa, the Pick ‘n Pay Cape Argus Cycle Tour and with that came months of intense training sessions. On my first training session, I was about to throw in the towel but with motivation and friends they continued to assist me. We covered an estimated 600 kilometers during our training sessions, some might think that we are insane. But if you are to ask any cyclist those are the usual amount of kilometers covered by a training team or individual.

source: www.bicycling.co.za/articles/argus-cycle-tour...
Three weeks before the cycle tour, we were approached by three women who asked if we would raise funds for abused women and children. We accepted the request and immediately contacted potential sponsors or funders and on the day of the tour we as a team managed to raise R50 000.
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