Tuesday 7 August 2012

Laughter is the best medicine

Caption: This picture illustrates that laughter is indeed the best medicine.
Source: fida-sunshine.blogspot.com

This is a common heard statement from many elderly people, which was the inspiration of this blog. According to HelpGuide.org, Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts your energy, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress.

Laughter is great for your health (according to HelpGuide.org):
1. Relaxes the whole body.
2. Boosts the immune system.
3. Triggers the release of endorphins (which promotes overall wellbeing).
4. Protects your heart.

I truly believe that laughter is the best medicine on earth, due to its physical, mental and social health benefits, laughter should be the most prescribed form of medication by all doctors, rather than those drugs made available by doctors in this day and age.

What is your opinion based on “Laughter being the best medicine”?

Resource: www.helpguide.org

Tuesday 31 July 2012

The sponge effect!

Caption: Children are becoming much more advanced then anytime before.
Source: ehow.com

I have come to learn that in this day and age, children are becoming smarter and advanced at an early age. For example, a 5 year old child having the knowhow of operating mobile phones or even using Television remotes to change the channels to their respective favorite programmes.

Have you ever said a word or phrase and then immediately you find the child repeating that very phrase or word? Well, that is because they pick up information on just about everything and they enjoy learning new things, this is what I call the sponge effect.

The scary thing is that children unconsciously soak up information from the environment in which they surround themselves in. For example, my nephew he picks up information so easily, because he consciously and unconsciously listens to conversations people are having and then questions what it means.

Have you encountered an experience in where children use words, which they have heard you use in a conversation?

I am…?

Caption: I believe that we are all equal in different aspects.
Source: blog.beliefnet.com

Who am I, well I’m Spiderman! I have always wanted to say that. To be quiet frank, I’m an individual who works very hard, when my mind is applied. I hardly take no for an answer, and absolutely hate it when people take advantage of oneself.

It actually makes me think of becoming a super hero, for example, if I was a superhero, I’d mostly be someone or something containing mind reading, super strength and speed abilities, which would be there to assist me in preventing people in taking advantage as well as carrying out projects and programme at the snap of my fingers. Would this not be great? I truly think so!

If you have read my blogs, you would be aware that I am an avid petrol head (car enthusiast) meaning, I love anything related to cars, but let’s leave it at that for now! You have read about me, so I believe in getting to know my readers/followers a bit, so describe yourself using one word and only one!


Caption: We all try and hide our fears.
Source: tonymorganlive.com

It’s so easy to say that we live in a perfect world, but I am wrong because in this world we have fears. Fears that can negatively impact us, or the way in which we act as well as the way we observe the world around us. According to Kids Health, Fear is one of the most basic human emotions, which is programmed into the nervous system and works like an instinct.

This instinct is part of us from the time that we are born, till when we grow up. Fears assist us to respond with ‘fear’ when we sense danger or feel unsafe. Kids Health also states that Fear helps protect us from the environment in which we surround ourselves in. I believe this to be true to a certain extent, but fears could also prevent us in achieving and accomplishing goals that some of us have set out to achieve in our lifetime.

For example, when I walk around at night time. I constantly have the feeling that there’s something is behind me and I frantically look over my shoulder regardless how muscular I maybe, well that’s fear, which is instilled within both me and you. Imagine, life without FEAR, well some people think that they are fearless until addressed with a situation. I believe that we all have fear instilled within each one of us! My fear is the fear of doing something wrong in the public eye, better known as Scoobyphobia or Agoraphobia. Well you now know my phobia or fear. What are your fear or fears?

Research source: Http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_mind/mental_health/phobias.html

Tuesday 24 July 2012

The development of technology in the 21st century.

Caption: The world is in the your hands, as to either you become technologically savvy or not!
Source: k12educationtechnology.com

In the 21st century technology is being updated on a daily basis, which means we are constantly updating our technological capabilities. By updating ourselves with technology, we practically force businesses and scientists to think and become more innovative with technology.

The aim of this blog, is to prove the daily advancement of technology in this day and age. For example, Blackberry or iPhones for instance, every day or week better forms of phones or even innovative software is created, which shows that the worlds technological capabilities are constantly increasing and we need to adapt to it. Can you believe it, that whilst reading this blog post something is being developed, in some building, on some piece of land out there!

We need to become more technologically savvy, because we are slowly moving to an age where cars will probably fly, and computers would be programmed into our finger tips but lets keep it at that. We need to adapt to change as it happens, because without it, we would not be as capable as those who do and in the western world, if you don’t have one (one meaning= one item of anything). Then you would be deemed as uncool or stuck in the stone age. Move with the times or you’ll stay behind!

You can’t choose 15 minutes but why would you be world famous?

Caption: Only time can tell if you would become world famous.
Source: askipedia.com

I hadn’t thought of myself becoming world famous, simply because I’ve always thought of myself as a quiet, uncover and reserved tyrpe of person. I like to come up with innovative ideas and work on projects that can uplift people and businesses, but yet I try to stay out of the lime light. But that’s a story for another day.

If I were to be world famous for 15 minutes, it would most likely be for helping businesses or those who are underprivileged or basically fore filling Nelson Mandela’s dream and mission in life. If I had one wish, it would be to uplift communities in such a way that people can cope and learn to become for self-sufficient rather than depending on others for help and assistance.

My dreams mission would be to assist in establishing small businesses that can empower others, which would assist people in gaining employment and decreasing the level of unemployment within our wonderful country. Although, we could do more, but I believe that starting off small will assist in growing and becoming bigger in the future. With dreams and aspirations, anything can become possible! Just do it!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Why is Photography so commercialised and popular?

Caption: Behind every picture is an artist!
Source: brooklynartproject.com

To be quiet frank, cameras are becoming more easily available to the consumer now than ever before. Social Media and other fields have made photography more apparent in this day and age.

My own personal opinion on this matter is that anyone and everyone has the ability to take a good picture, but capturing the moment which in the future could tell a thousand words, would set you apart from the amateur photographer out there. Especially, in the local car scene in Cape Town, we find ourselves with hundreds of people walking around with high resolution cameras, but then you think to yourself, do they really know the art of photographer.

It isn’t just about capturing an image but creating a story at the same time. At the same time it could also give your audience an opportunity to share an event or an experience with them, but I believe what makes a photographer is there passion to constantly learn and train to be perfect at capturing the perfect picture etc.

There are many well-known photographers out there that are constantly working on improving their techniques and styles but unfortunately the amateur out there primarily focus on taking pictures, other than trying to improve themselves. If you want to be a professional photographer, I’d suggest you sit down with one and communicate with them on how you can become a professional photographer. Believe me, it will pay off!

A skill set called leadership

Caption: Leadership is a skill that moves the world forward.
Source: nwlink.com

In the 21st century, information on leadership is easily obtainable. When reading about leadership, I came across four common questions such as: Are they born? Are they made? What skills do they posses? How are they made? Well, I believe that it is extremely difficult to pin point their characteristics, or even shadow these great leader’s lifestyles.

The great leaders that come to mind are: Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Richard Branson, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Martin Luther King etc. These great leaders weren’t worried about becoming great leaders but there passion for making a difference had ensured that they would become classified as great leaders of the World.

For example, Nelson Mandela, he had a vision that was not based on personal gain but a vision about having a positive impact on people’s lives. With the amount of commitment he had kept his vision in mind, and together with the other great leaders they set out with a positive frame of minds, which ensured that no amount of challenges could deter them from achieving their goals.

I honestly, believe that leadership is a status given to someone who sets an example within their culture or level of expertise or it could be given to a exemplary individual, but it can’t be taken our added to your title.

In order, to become a great leader I suggest that you not only DREAM BIG, but you should also think of how you can help others develop, and use every breath, dream, action and minute to ensure that you set out to make it happen and ensure that no challenge can impact your vision and focus.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Online Safety

Caption: No matter who you are. It will happen to you!
Source: technologyrants.com

We live in a world that is becoming more technically savvy, and more sophisticated. As we progress in this day and age, we are constantly required to use passwords to protect our information and accounts. Well this blog will assist you! According to NO-IP, “Choosing a password is easy; choosing a password that is safe is a complete different story.” NO-IP have formulated 10 tips for choosing a safe password to safeguard all of your accounts from fraud:

1. Choose a password with mixed case letters, numbers and symbols ($,*,@).
2. Choose a password that is NOT related to anything that has special meaning to you.
3. Use a different password for every account that you have.
4. Change your passwords frequently (every 3 months or so).
5. Don’t use a word that is found in the dictionary.
6. Make your passwords 8 characters or longer.
7. Use a virtual keyboard when entering passwords as it won’t let a keylogger program capture your key strokes.
8. Use a string of words.
9. Pick a word that you can type quickly and easily remember without having to look it up.
10. Make sure you can easily remember it!

These tips can ensure that you will never get to see or become a victim of cyber crime. It has become extremely easy for hackers and other cyber criminals to gain access into your accounts. BE SAFE, THINK SAFE and use tough PASSWORDS!! Goodluck!!!!!!

Rock Journalism

Caption: Rock Journalism, is journalism on a completely different level.
Source: roxylaker.wordpress.com

“Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read”, said Frank Zappa.

Frank Zappa used this quotation during an interview with the Rolling Stone magazine. What does this quotation mean to me? Well my interpretation of this quote is that rock journalism is a very complex form of journalism, meaning that there is no set structure, which one should abide by, but keeping in mind that rock is a culture on its own, and journalists should encapsulate the essence of rock within their pieces or articles.

Rock journalism allows one to express their opinions openly. This form of journalism would however, have an influence on culture, fashion and social attitudes of the followers. A specific writing style would most likely not be required, and anyone would be able to write about rock as well as interviewing someone but this form of journalism doesn’t have a specific audience. Therefore, it would be wide reaching form of journalism.

Basically, rock journalism in my opinion is a way in which people could express themselves, as they are passionate about rock or the rock industry. What is your perception thereof?