Monday 20 August 2012

Novels I want to write…..

Caption: Writing a book or novel starts with your ideas, so think wisely!

I found my passion in writing but before I did, I have always wanted to write a novel/book about my life or something similar to the Harry Potter theme, but unfortunately my ideas and concepts were terrible. However, to establish a theme or topic which would create not only an understanding but generate a talking point with an audience is difficult.

Ideas that I formulated for novels are a bit too graphic namely: zombie apocalypses or a ghosts, which seems a bit strange but it is extremely easy to formulate a concept surrounding these themes. When I was 13 years old, I sat down a wrote a short story about zombies, which turned out to be extremely boring, but my heart is set on writing a book one day, although finding a topic worthy enough to write about is slowly formulating in my mind but let’s leave it for now!

If you could write a book, what would it be based on and who would the leading characters be?

Monday 13 August 2012

The Beauty of Cape Town

Caption: A view of Table Mountain seen from Robben Island.

I have been living in Cape Town for my entire life and to be very honest, we as Capetonians need to be very thankful for the natural beauty, that we have which is TABLE MOUNTAIN voted one of the seven wonders of the world.

If you are to take a walk around our city you’ll begin to visualize how magnificent our city really is.

I took a walk along the Sea Point promenade, and saw people walking, running, kayaking, cycling, skateboarding, fishing and playing with their kids and dogs as well as playing at the park. You feel so alive in this beautiful city!

While walking on Sea Point promenade, you'll see Robben Island in the distance and the view of the majestic Devils Peak and Lions Head mountain. Table Mountain gives positive energy to all those waking up to the view of this natural beauty, and is why people call it the Mother City.

I’m so lucky to live in one of the world most beautiful cities on earth! Why do you feel lucky to be living in such a magnificent city, such as Cape Town?

Just GOOGLE it!

Caption: You can Google just about anything!

The convenience of Information Technology or technology in the 21st century is so extreme that with a ‘click’ of a button we can find information extremely easily, BUT the most commonly used term, I heard while studying was ‘Just Google it!’. The scary thing is that Google is becoming the most used search engine in the world and books or hardcopies are slowly fading away.

As a student, I do admit that I mostly use GOOGLE when researching for assignments but the innovative tools, which it now hosts are increasingly helpful, such as: Google Scholar, Google Maps etc.

Google Scholar assists you to find any form of research conducted on any subject and Google Maps has an incredible realism to it, which also displays real images, that we see with our very own eyes. This really shows how developed technology and this industry is becoming.

If you don’t know, what I’m referring to then ‘JUST GOOGLE IT’

“Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have on idea” (Alain)

Caption: depending on your level of achievement and knowledge, one idea could be the best.

My understanding of the statement, would be that when a person has only one idea, then this person would then be at risk of just seeing things in that one way or view, or becoming obsessed with the one idea to such an extent that he or she would fail to see all the opportunities that would come their way.

Having something to focus on or a goal in life could lead to an obsession to a certain extent, due to you being more worried about it than anything else. At the rate that we are developing, we need three types of goals namely:
1. Career goals.
2. Personal goals.
3. Community goals.

Aligned to these goals should be the expectations and methods of achieving them and YES its says goals which means more than one, because you need to have an idea of how you would achieve it.

The more ideas you and I have the more you end up getting things right or wrong. For example, swimming, for the first time you won’t be able to swim (no ideas), you then learn how to float and then kick which then leads to you swimming (first idea), you then gain momentum and you begin swimming which leads to a variety of ideas such as breathing, speed etc. We all learn different disciplines at our own space but it’s good to have more than one idea or concept.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Nervousness, we all face it!

Caption: We all feel nervous some time or the other.

Nervousness could be defined as a number of elements but the most outstanding elements are that of Worry, and Anxiety. To be quiet frank, we are all nervous at some point within our lives and without it; life would not be the same.

This blog is not based on nervousness, but it is rather based on how to overcome it. The Positivity Blog, provides 7 tips on how to overcome nervousness, and they are:
1. Be prepared for anything.
2. Ask yourself: what is the worst that could happen?
3. Visualize in a positive way.
4. Practise, practise and practise!
5. Realize that people don’t care about what you do.
6. Stay in the present (this day and age).
7. Deep breathes.
These are basics tips that could assist in reducing or assisting you in overcoming nervousness.

If am or at least was a very nervous individual, till I used these elements which assisted me in realizing that it is greener on the other side of life, and that some people don’t care as to whether what you do. Some example of nervousness: at job interviews, on a date, important meetings or a presentation infront of your class. These are clear reasons for nervousness within you and me. Please provide any other examples!

Have you figured out the second head fake?

Caption: Some people fight have many more fake personalities! (on there shoulders)

My interpretation of this blog topic is based on how fake people can be. For example, people and family who act fake only when they are in need of something, but other than that they show there other head which could be negativity and only caring about themselves. It’s a sad reality but we live in the time, when people care about themselves only.

I have seen the second head fake of many a people, even my own family, that seems very friendly at first but when they need you to do something for them, they are suddenly the friendliest person in the world. I have come to realize that I do the best that I can, although people show me that they are fake.

For example, an aunt would not greet or even look at you but at her time of need, she would expect you to run to her side and help, although I would feel very negative about it but I try and overcome the negativity and force myself to be a positive or act positively around people who treat you and others badly.

Have you experienced this already, because I know I have! Give me an example of an experience you had which relates to people being fake around you?

Laughter is the best medicine

Caption: This picture illustrates that laughter is indeed the best medicine.

This is a common heard statement from many elderly people, which was the inspiration of this blog. According to, Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts your energy, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress.

Laughter is great for your health (according to
1. Relaxes the whole body.
2. Boosts the immune system.
3. Triggers the release of endorphins (which promotes overall wellbeing).
4. Protects your heart.

I truly believe that laughter is the best medicine on earth, due to its physical, mental and social health benefits, laughter should be the most prescribed form of medication by all doctors, rather than those drugs made available by doctors in this day and age.

What is your opinion based on “Laughter being the best medicine”?


Tuesday 31 July 2012

The sponge effect!

Caption: Children are becoming much more advanced then anytime before.

I have come to learn that in this day and age, children are becoming smarter and advanced at an early age. For example, a 5 year old child having the knowhow of operating mobile phones or even using Television remotes to change the channels to their respective favorite programmes.

Have you ever said a word or phrase and then immediately you find the child repeating that very phrase or word? Well, that is because they pick up information on just about everything and they enjoy learning new things, this is what I call the sponge effect.

The scary thing is that children unconsciously soak up information from the environment in which they surround themselves in. For example, my nephew he picks up information so easily, because he consciously and unconsciously listens to conversations people are having and then questions what it means.

Have you encountered an experience in where children use words, which they have heard you use in a conversation?

I am…?

Caption: I believe that we are all equal in different aspects.

Who am I, well I’m Spiderman! I have always wanted to say that. To be quiet frank, I’m an individual who works very hard, when my mind is applied. I hardly take no for an answer, and absolutely hate it when people take advantage of oneself.

It actually makes me think of becoming a super hero, for example, if I was a superhero, I’d mostly be someone or something containing mind reading, super strength and speed abilities, which would be there to assist me in preventing people in taking advantage as well as carrying out projects and programme at the snap of my fingers. Would this not be great? I truly think so!

If you have read my blogs, you would be aware that I am an avid petrol head (car enthusiast) meaning, I love anything related to cars, but let’s leave it at that for now! You have read about me, so I believe in getting to know my readers/followers a bit, so describe yourself using one word and only one!


Caption: We all try and hide our fears.

It’s so easy to say that we live in a perfect world, but I am wrong because in this world we have fears. Fears that can negatively impact us, or the way in which we act as well as the way we observe the world around us. According to Kids Health, Fear is one of the most basic human emotions, which is programmed into the nervous system and works like an instinct.

This instinct is part of us from the time that we are born, till when we grow up. Fears assist us to respond with ‘fear’ when we sense danger or feel unsafe. Kids Health also states that Fear helps protect us from the environment in which we surround ourselves in. I believe this to be true to a certain extent, but fears could also prevent us in achieving and accomplishing goals that some of us have set out to achieve in our lifetime.

For example, when I walk around at night time. I constantly have the feeling that there’s something is behind me and I frantically look over my shoulder regardless how muscular I maybe, well that’s fear, which is instilled within both me and you. Imagine, life without FEAR, well some people think that they are fearless until addressed with a situation. I believe that we all have fear instilled within each one of us! My fear is the fear of doing something wrong in the public eye, better known as Scoobyphobia or Agoraphobia. Well you now know my phobia or fear. What are your fear or fears?

Research source: Http://