
Monday 25 September 2023

With equal cars ‘it’s all about the fastest and smartest driver’ - Veiby.

OC Veiby leading team-mate Johan Kristoffersson in Mettet. 
PHOTO CREDIT: Red Bull Content Pool. 
Ole Christian Veiby is excited for his first trip to Cape Town for the World RX of South Africa (on 7-8 October) and predicts that with equal machinery ‘the fastest and smartest driver’ will prevail. 

The FIA World Rallycross Championship is returning to South Africa next month after a four-year hiatus - but is also returning to action following a mid-season pause as a result of an ongoing investigation due to a destructive fire that destroyed Special One Racing’s cars, equipment, and truck in Lydden Hill back in July. 

With a lengthy pause on the championship, OC Veiby returned to the cockpit alongside team-mate Johan Kristoffersson, and the Hansen brothers, Timmy and Kevin, who all participated in the FIA RX2e championship round at Mettet in Belgium – enabling them to gain some initial experience in the ZERIOD X1 that he and his rivals will be driving in Cape Town, South Africa. 

“We raced in Belgium, and we have some experience with the cars [ZERIOD X1], and it is a bit different from what we are used to. We need to adapt to that, but the cars are completely similar,” he said. 

The 27-year-old Norwegian admits that the RX1e cars they started the electric era with are relatively similar, because all teams use the Kriesel-developed battery packs and electric motors, with the only real difference coming from the suspension, dampers, etc., but in Cape Town and Hong Kong [season finale], all teams and drivers will race with equal cars, with the only difference coming from “small set-up” changes. 

“The cars that we are used to racing this year were also quite similar – we have the same battery pack, we have the same motor and everything. So, they were also quite equal. The only difference was the suspension, and what you could do in that area,” the Volkswagen Dealerteam BAUHAUS driver said. 

“Now they are completely similar [with RX2e cars]. We raced with them in Belgium, and we have some experience with the cars. It is a bit different from what we are used to. So, we need to adapt to that, but the cars are completely similar.”

 “There are small things that we can do with the set-up, to make it faster. So, it’s all about the fastest and smartest driver.”

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