
Sunday 15 August 2021

Kristoffersson crowned RallyX Nordic champion on home soil.

Johan Kristoffersson reigns supreme on home soil in Arvika, as he is crowned the 2021 RallyX Nordic and Swedish Championship champion.

Kristoffersson picked up his third race victory of the season in a dominant fashion but was officially crowned champion after claiming the top qualifiers spot in the Intermediate Standings after entering the weekend with an unassailable lead. 

The final in Arvika certainly ended in a bang, but not for the three-time World RX Champion who had a decent launch off the grid, with Fraser McConnell drawing level around the outside on the run to the turn 1/2 hairpin. 

With a clean exit from the hairpin, Johan comfortably led from start to finish with Fraser hanging around the outside, and Enzo Ide trying to push through, as Anton Marklund shoved him causing the right-hand side bumper damage.

On the run towards the first jump, Ide was challenging McConnell but opted to back out, which meant he was alongside Anton, and as the pair came off the jump, the EKS JC driver landed against the right fender of Marklund ripping it off. 

Anton took third place with Ide hitting him in the rear damaging the front left bumper of his Audi. OMSE's Kevin Eriksson didn't have the dream start or first few corners that he had hoped for after switching to a different differential step up for more front-end grip. He came out of the first few corners in fifth ahead of Sondre Evjen who had a bad start from sixth. 

Opting for an alternate strategy, Ide and Evjen took their jokers on lap one coming out behind Eriksson. 

From there, it was pretty much a formation race, as Johan began to build a buffer to the Jamaican behind. 

As the laps ticked off, McConnell switched things up and took his joker with one lap to go and was followed in by Marklund and Eriksson. The OMSE driver rejoined in second with Marklund in third, with Ide able to jump Eriksson on the merge having taken an earlier joker lap. 

Comfortably in the lead, Kristoffersson left no stone underturned, as he fully sent his Volkswagen Polo Supercar through the joker lap exiting with max speed and comfortably crossing the line 2.238s ahead McConnell, Marklund, Ide, Eriksson, and Sondre Evjen. 

Speaking after the final, Kristoffersson said: "It's always nice to pick up another trophy! I have won the Swedish Championship once before, here in Arvika last year at my home track, and it is good to keep that winning streak going."

The 32-year-old Swede admits that the RallyX Nordic championship is a good experience builder. 

"It's a good experience for me, as I play around with a little bit with setup through the heats/sessions and you know, also learn a lot of things, technically, what's going on with the car. Because there are sometimes a lot of things going on with the car," he adds. "So then I have to dig into and understand what's actually going on."

"We've changed the engine, we have changed a lot of strategies, and also the turbo pressure and anti-lag and all this stuff. We've changed a lot this weekend."

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