
Tuesday 5 June 2018

Hell awaits Andreas Bakkerud and EKS Audi Sport.

EKS Audi Sport supported by Audi, Peugeot and Volkswagen after four rounds are within only 23 points of each other in the teams’ classification, the top five of the drivers’ world championship within only 25 points.

On home soil this weekend, Andreas Bakkerud has particularly enthusiastic fans that stand out in any paddock in their bright blue T-shirts [#BakkerudLife]. At their home venue they will turn out in particularly large numbers and frenetically cheer on their hero. '

“I’m tremendously excited about the event,” says Bakkerud who is planning various activities with his fans. “Hell is both my home round and one of my absolutely favorite tracks. Following my podium for EKS Audi Sport at Silverstone, I’m aiming for more – preferably a victory of course.”

In 2016, Bakkerud became the first driver in World RX history to achieve a perfect weekend of winning six races and scoring maximum points. Last year, he finished as runner-up.

Mattias Ekström took third place in 2016. “The track is simply fantastic,” says Ekström

“My favorite corner is Turn 2, a downhill left-hander. That’s where you feel like the car is getting an extra power boost. The entrance to the Joker Lap is one of the best. There I go into a really great drift at high speed," said Ekström. "The spectators have a full view of the track from practically all the seats. Plus, the race at Hell will always be a very special one for me because that’s where the EKS story began in 2014.”

Between the Silverstone and Hell, EKS Audi Sport tested dampers and practiced starts in Sweden. “We’re very strong this year,” says Mattias Ekström. “But we need to continue to improve in order to defeat the Peugeot and Volkswagen teams – and that’s our goal.”

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