
Saturday 11 July 2015

Calling the #F1Family to unite for Jules!!!

The F1 world stood in horror on the 05/10/2014. If you don't remember that well it's the day on which Jules Bianchi had his horrific accident. Soon it'll be a year since that day. 

We're a family. A big family... 

We have to do something! Send me a photo with hashtags #WeMissJules #ForzaJules (put them on a piece of paper and make a photo with them. You can print a picture which I put on a page 'hashtags'. Please, check a page 'how to make a good photo'). YOU CAN USE THE IMAGE ABOVE! 

You have 2 ways to send me your photo:
1. E-mail:
2. Send it on my Twitter

The TOPIC of an email is ‘#ForzaJules’

Clarify if you are using either or both platforms of communication by Answering with NO or YES:
1. Your nickname on Twitter: NO/YES (and write your nickname on Twitter)
2. Your nickname on Instagram: NO/YES (and write your nickname on Instagram)Attach your photo. Don’t put in on the text.

DEADLINE: 01/10/2015 11:59 PM [You have more than 2 months.] 

Why do I want to do it? Not to be famous (big thanks for somebody who thinks like that), just for Jules and his family. I just can imagine what they’re feeling. We’re a family and the family is stand together and help each other. Let’s show them that we’re supporting them and we’re with them!

They will be sent (on twitter of course) on the tragic day to his account and Marussia (Manor) F1 Team. Also I’ll make an account on Instagram on where all your photos will be sent.

What do you think? Do you want to join us? We’re waiting for you and your photo!
To know more visit –

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