
Tuesday 31 July 2012


Caption: We all try and hide our fears.

It’s so easy to say that we live in a perfect world, but I am wrong because in this world we have fears. Fears that can negatively impact us, or the way in which we act as well as the way we observe the world around us. According to Kids Health, Fear is one of the most basic human emotions, which is programmed into the nervous system and works like an instinct.

This instinct is part of us from the time that we are born, till when we grow up. Fears assist us to respond with ‘fear’ when we sense danger or feel unsafe. Kids Health also states that Fear helps protect us from the environment in which we surround ourselves in. I believe this to be true to a certain extent, but fears could also prevent us in achieving and accomplishing goals that some of us have set out to achieve in our lifetime.

For example, when I walk around at night time. I constantly have the feeling that there’s something is behind me and I frantically look over my shoulder regardless how muscular I maybe, well that’s fear, which is instilled within both me and you. Imagine, life without FEAR, well some people think that they are fearless until addressed with a situation. I believe that we all have fear instilled within each one of us! My fear is the fear of doing something wrong in the public eye, better known as Scoobyphobia or Agoraphobia. Well you now know my phobia or fear. What are your fear or fears?

Research source: Http://

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