
Tuesday 22 May 2012

Try a cliché

Caption: Keep on believing

You might have heard this cliché: Good things come to those who wait. I have heard this cliché a number of times and unfortunately, I’m still waiting. But I do believe, that with the correct form of practice and training, it would assist in bringing those sorts of aspects closer to you as an individual.

Working extremely hard and applying your mind can not only assist in creating and establishing all good things that could come your way. We as students are aware of all the challenges that we face, but with obtaining this information we need to prepare ourselves to face countless problems which would eventually become something that would become good or excellent.

Another cliché that I found which links to the already mentioned cliché actually explains it in detail “Good things come to those who work their assess off and never give up”, this might sound but or incorrect but with hard work we would be able to reach or attain any personal goals that we have put our minds on and this could be both positive and negative. For example: A underprivileged student has faced a life of uncertainty, but during his schooling career he actually achieved 100% passes from Grade 1 to Grade 12, when this boy left school he didn’t know what would happen to him and later that year he was contacted and is now the First Engineer to have worked on a Oil Rig. So this would illustrate that with applying your mind correctly, good things will happen! Its just the matter of when.

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